Cigar City - Guayabera 0,355l can 5,5% alk.

Citra Pale Ale

50 IBU

Položka byla vyprodána…
Kód: 15378
139 Kč / ks
Kategorie: Pivovar
Hmotnost: 0.35 kg
PIVOVAR: Cigar City Brewing
Položka byla vyprodána…

Traditional throughout Latin America, the guayabera shirt combines style, functionality, form and tradition in it’s four-pocketed design. We at Cigar City feel the same reverence and appreciation for the guayabera that we do for the Citra hop varietal, an ingredient that imparts notes of tangerine, lime and berries to this traditional American Pale Ale. The exclusive use of Citra hops in this beer creates a flavor that’s at once unique and recognizable, while it’s dry, crisp character and moderate alcohol make it as refreshing and functional as a crisp linen guayabera.


Složení: Voda, ječný slad, chmel. 

Legislativní označení: Pivo světlé silné.

Země původu: USA

Ninabar s.r.o.
Šimáčkova 3
62800 Brno



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