Tree House - Andromeda 0,473l plech 8% alc.

 Double IPA

 Stoceno/ Canned : 09/11/23

Položka byla vyprodána…
Kód: 14943
499 Kč –40 % 299 Kč / ks
Kategorie: Pivovar
Hmotnost: 0.51 kg
PIVOVAR: Tree House Brewing Company
Položka byla vyprodána…
PhotoRoom 20231002 203213 24
499 Kč –40 % 

Beneath the cosmic tapestry, Andromeda dances in our glasses as it does amongst celestial wonders, echoing a love ballad nine years strong. Every sip is akin to verses, not merely of fleeting sunrises and dusks but grand adventures, joyous laughter, and the tapestry of cherished moments. This beer is no mere toast of celebration but a meditation of audacious voyages—a bold dance into mystery, guided by passion and awe, capturing the essence of love. Andromeda rises as a luminous sentinel in an ephemeral realm where bliss can vanish like mist in the glow of dawn. Just as constellations remain steadfast, so does love, a symphony between two souls, asserting that true allure is not a passing shimmer 


Složení: Voda, ječný slad,chmel. Obsahuje lepek.

Legislativní označení: Pivo světlé silné.

Země původu: USA



Ninabar s.r.o.

Šimáčkova 3

62800 Brno



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