Tree House - Catharsis 0,473l plech 7,4% alc.

American Porter

 Stoceno/ Canned : Autumn 2023

Položka byla vyprodána…
Kód: 14944
399 Kč –50 % 199 Kč / ks
Kategorie: Pivovar
Hmotnost: 0.51 kg
PIVOVAR: Tree House Brewing Company
Položka byla vyprodána…
PhotoRoom 20231002 203213 17
399 Kč –50 % 

We are pleased to introduce Catharsis, a rich and hearty porter ideally suited for these cold winter months! Catharsis is brewed with an array of pale, chocolate, and roasted malts and hopped ever so gently with Warrior and Simcoe resulting in a beer with progressive attributes and a characteristic Tree House edge. We experience flavors and aromas of cocoa powder, fudge, and caramel balanced by a dark chocolate-like bitterness and a hearty body. Catharsis is robust yet pleasant. It is rich with flavor yet maintains an easy drinking complexion. It is our focused interpretation of what we believe a modern American Porter can be. We could not be more excited to share it with you. Enjoy!


Složení: Voda, ječný slad,chmel. Obsahuje lepek.

Legislativní označení: Pivo tmavé silné.

Země původu: USA



Ninabar s.r.o.

Šimáčkova 3

62800 Brno



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